ISSN: 2165-7386

Паллиативная помощь и медицина

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A Comprehensive Cancer Care Plan: Examining the Role of Exercise, Nutrition, and Emotional Support in Cancer Recovery

Karen Y Wonders*, Jessica Jennings and Kimberly Smith

At present, approximately 1 in 30 Americans are cancer survivors. The 5-year survival rate for all cancers is approaching 65%, and reaches as high as 90% for certain cancers, such as cancer of the breast. As advances in early detection, therapy, and supportive care diffuse into the community, the number of cancer survivors is only expected to continue to increase in the decades to come. More than ever before, cancer survivors are living long enough to be troubled by the persistent and late effects of their illness and its treatment. However, a growing body of research indicates that the long-term health care needs of cancer survivors are not being sufficiently met, highlighting a need for more health care resources to be directed towards this unique group of survivors. It is becoming increasingly clear that in order to meet the long-term needs of cancer survivors, a cancer care plan must be developed. Integral to this survivorship care plan are resources addressing palliative care, focusing on behavior change, and lifestyle interventions such as exercise, nutrition, and emotional support. This paper focuses on the current guidelines and benefits of exercise training, nutrition guidance, and emotional support, three aspects of cancer care that have been shown to greatly improve the quality of life for cancer patients.

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