ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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A Comprehensive Review on Functional Neurological Diseases

Shakti K

In neurological practise, functional neurological disorders are frequent. The focus of a novel method for making a positive diagnosis of this condition is on patterns of truly felt symptoms and indications that exhibit variability over time both within and across activities. Despite being a frequent risk factor for functional neurological impairment, psychological stresses are frequently missing. Functional seizures, functional movement disorders, persistent perceptual postural dizziness, and functional cognitive disorder are variations of an illness at the interface of neurology and psychiatry that have commonalities in aetiology and pathogenesis. Clinical neurophysiological investigations and other indicators can help with the diagnosis of all four entities since they each have unique characteristics. The creation of an internal symptom model as part of a predictive coding framework, excessive limbic system activity, and failure of the brain networks that give movement the appearance of voluntariness are all components of the pathophysiology of functional neurological disorders. Evidence supports individualised, interdisciplinary treatments that may use techniques from physical and psychological therapy.

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