ISSN: 1165-158X

Клеточная и молекулярная биология

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A New Cluster-Based MOF for Selective Gas Sorption and Treatment Effect on Acute Glomerulonephritis by Reducing NF-NF-κβ Pathway Activation and Cytokines Release

Xiao-Wen He, Li Sun, Jian-Jun Zhang, Yu-Xiang Xu, Gang Ma, Hong-Li Gao and Heng-Yuan Zhang

A novel Co(II)-containing metal-organic framework [Co3(OH)2(H2TCPP)2](DMF)3 (1) based on a linear trinuclear Co(II) cluster-based unit has been successfully prepared by using a nanosized tetracarboxylate ligand 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)pyrazine (H4TCPP) as the organic building block under the solvothermal reaction. Gas adsorption studies reveal that the mixtures of C2H2/CH4 and C2H2/CO2 could be selectively separated by the obtained resulting solvent free 1 (denoted as 1a hereafter). To deep evaluate the protective function of complex for AGN disease in vitro, the following experiments were conducted. Firstly, real time RT-PCR was carried out to determine the relative expression of Nf-κβ and tNf-α in the glomerulus cells after bacterial infection along with complex 1 treatment. Then, the ELISA was conducted to determine the IL-1β and IL-6 released by glomerular cells after complex 1 treatment. Finally, the results obtained through molecular docking exhibited possible regulation mechanism on the binding affinity between compound 1 and target protein.

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