ISSN: 2329-910X

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A New Minimal Invasive Technique in the Treatment of Resistant Plantar Fasciitis by Percutaneous Partial Plantar Fasciotomy, Drilling of the Calcaneus and Resection of Calcaneal Spur

Maaty MT, Khalek MA

Background: Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of plantar heel pain that may cause significant discomfort and disability. Many surgical techniques were involved in treatment like open plantar fasciotomy, endoscopic techniques, and percutaneous fasciotomy. This study was conducted to evaluate the results of surgical treatment of resistant plantar fasciitis by a new minimal invasive technique of combined percutaneous partial plantar fasciotomy, drilling of the calcaneus and resection of the calcaneal spur.

Methods: Between June 2013 and July 2015, twenty-five patients presented by resistant plantar fasciitis had undergone a minimal invasive surgery by percutaneuos partial plantar fasciotomy, drilling of the calcaneus and resection of the calcaneal spur.

Results: Heel pain was relieved within an average of 4 weeks (range: 3-8 weeks). Postoperatively twenty two 88% patients were rated as having excellent results, three patients 12% were rated as having good results and no patients 0% were rated as having a poor result without any improvement.

Conclusion: This technique compares favorably with other reported open surgical procedures and other minimal invasive and high-cost techniques. It is a relatively safe, short procedure, with a rapid learning curve and it is not associated with serious complications.

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