ISSN: 2278-0238

Международный журнал исследований и разработок в области фармации и наук о жизни

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A Review of Biological Activities of Genus Sargassum

Diana Al-Hashdy, Salwa Raweh, Amina El-Shaibany, Abdulrahman Humaid, Mahmoud El-Aasser

Some important brown seaweed is Dictyota (Dictyotales) which are the most commonly found on European Atlantic coasts and the Mediterranean Sea. Laminaria, commonly known as kelps, represents the most complex and largest brown seaweed. Fucales order which contained Fucus (rockweed) and Sargassum (gulfweed) are two important brown seaweeds belonging to the order Faceless Seaweed produces several phytochemical compounds with different pharmacological activities including anticancer activity. This study attempted to investigate Sargassum Vulgare’s biological activities (anti-cancer- anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial activities). Therapeutically, selected marine macroalgatoto to hathe the potential to be utilized in the treatments of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, viral infection (especially HPV and HIV), cancers gastrointestinal tract disorders, hepatic diseases a an and flammatory diseases. Some seaweed also has been shoshowingti-coagulating and anti-hemorrhagic activity.

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