ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Журнал ортопедической онкологии

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Наша группа организует более 3000 глобальных конференций Ежегодные мероприятия в США, Европе и США. Азия при поддержке еще 1000 научных обществ и публикует более 700 Открытого доступа Журналы, в которых представлены более 50 000 выдающихся деятелей, авторитетных учёных, входящих в редколлегии.


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A Short Note on Sclerosing Bone Disorders and Their General Radiographic Features

Lincz Lisa

Breast cancer metastases most often occur in the bone. Bone metastasis was found in 73% of patients with metastatic breast cancer in a single center review. Most of the time, bone metastasis doesn’t cause any symptoms at all, but if it does, it can be achy, sharp, localized, and persistent pain or a pathological fracture. Elevated serum calcium or alkaline phosphatase is examples of potential laboratory abnormalities. Computerized tomography, CT; Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI; X-ray (XR); Osteopetrosis, or OPT; Receptor 2 for Human Epidermal Growth Factor; Gene for breast cancer, BRCA; FDG-PET, Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emanation Tomography; Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography, also known as PET-CT; ED, or Emergency Room; Lactate Dehydrogenase, or LDH. When bone lesions are observed on plain films or CT, malignancy is immediately at the top of the differential because of the high prevalence of metastatic bone disease in cancer patients. But it’s also important to think about people who might copy you.

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