ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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A Systematic Study and Meta-Analysis of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Balance Rehabilitation in Neurological Diseases

Jugal Bhatria

Postural instability is frequent in neurological diseases. Although transcranial direct modern stimulation (tDCS) appears to be a promising complementary therapy, rising proof shows blended consequences and protocols’ characteristics. We carried out a systematic assessment and meta-analysis on PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, and Web of Science to synthesize key findings of the effectiveness of single and more than one classes of tDCS on my own and mixed with different interventions on stability in adults with neurological disorders. Thirty-seven researches had been protected in the systematic evaluation and 33 in the meta-analysis. The reviewed research did now not customize the stimulation protocol to person needs/characteristics. A random-effects meta-analysis indicated that tDCS on my own (SMD = −0.44; 95%CI = −0.69/−0.19; p < 0.001) and blended with every other intervention (SMD = −0.31; 95%CI = −0.51/−0.11; p = 0.002) increased stability in adults with neurological problems (small to reasonable impact sizes). Balance enhancements had been evidenced regardless of the variety of periods and focused area. In summary, tDCS is a promising remedy for stability rehabilitation in adults with neurological disorders. However, similarly medical trials must perceive elements that have an impact on responsiveness to tDCS for a greater tailor-made approach, which may also optimize the medical use of tDCS. Minimal adverse effects were reported across the included studies. This systematic study and meta-analysis provide evidence that transcranial direct current stimulation can be an effective intervention for balance rehabilitation in individuals with neurological diseases. Further research is warranted to optimize treatment parameters and better understand its application in specific neurological conditions.

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