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Advances in Endometrial Cancer Research: Endometrial Cancer Screening and Treatment

Sadaf Zafir

The lining of the uterus, a muscular, hollow organ in a woman's pelvis, is called the endometrium. A fetus develops in the uterus. The average length of a nonpregnant woman's uterus is about 3 inches. The cervix, which leads to the vagina, is the uterus's lower, narrow end. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue like the endometrium regularly lines the uterus, creates beyond the uterine cavity. It can join to the uterus' external surface, the ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. Introduction The endometrial-like tissue develops, breaks down, and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. However, because the tissue outside the uterus cannot leave the body, it becomes stuck. This can make it more difficult to conceive and stay pregnant. When endometriosis affects the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas form. Scar tissue and adhesions fibrous bands that can bind pelvic organs and surrounding tissue can result from inflamed surrounding tissue.

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