ISSN: 2471-9846

Журнал общественного и общественного здравоохранения сестринского дела

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Advancing Maternal and Child Health a Comprehensive Research Review

Suneel Kumar

Maternal and child health stands as an essential barometer of societal well-being, reflecting the overall health and development of a nation. This research review embarks on an extensive exploration of the field, surveying current challenges, innovative solutions, and emerging trends in maternal and child health. The analysis encompasses a range of critical aspects, including maternal mortality, access to prenatal care, child nutrition, immunization, socioeconomic determinants, and global initiatives. Furthermore, it examines the transformative influence of emerging technologies on healthcare delivery. By examining recent research findings, this review provides a comprehensive overview of maternal and child health, aiming to contribute to the global discourse on improving the well-being of mothers and children. The research findings presented here emphasize the interdependence of maternal and child health and underscore the importance of a holistic approach, highlighting the need for coordinated, and global efforts to ensure that every mother and child receives the quality healthcare they deserve.

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