ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Журнал ортопедической онкологии

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Aggressive Bone Tumor around the Knee Managed with Tumor Prosthesis Retrospective Case Series in a Developing Country

Diana C Bandong*, Philip T Ko and Isagani E Garin

This study aims to know the functional status of patients who underwent limb-sparing surgery using the Enneking
MSTS scoring system. It will also evaluate the demographics of the patients and the complications arising from the
procedure. A retrospective review of our hospital records was carried from 2009-2022. There were 12 (9 men and 3
women) patients with aggressive bone tumors around the knee who underwent tumor resection and endoprosthetic
reconstruction. In this review, five patients had poor MSTS, while the rest had good to excellent results. Most
complications noted were related to patients’ poor response to chemotherapy, which may contribute to poor outcomes.
Other problems were hardware breakage at the proximal stem, flap necrosis for a too-medial previous incision, aseptic
loosening, non-incorporation of the infrapatellar tenodesis causing patella alta, and skin allergy on the incision site.
Limb salvage surgery with endoprosthesis is a viable option, safe and gives patients a sense of independence and
return to daily activities.

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