ISSN: 2576-1463

Инновационная энергетика и исследования

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Analysis of Temperature Distribution through Rectangular Convective Fin Using Analytical Methods

Mokhtarpour K and Ganji DD

In this paper, the power of the recently introduced method of Akbari-Ganji has been validated by solving two different nonlinear equations. In the first section, the temperature distribution model of a convective straight fin is found by solving the governing energy balance equation with Akbari-Ganji’s Method. The authenticity of this method has been checked considering the fourth-order Runge-Kutta. In the second section, a linear differential equation without enough boundary conditions is converted into a nonlinear differential equation with enough boundary conditions by derivation. The precision of the AGM method has been compared with two other semianalytical methods. Results were prepared for the ultimate solution function and its first derivative in both sections. The variational iteration method and the homotopy perturbation method were the ones which showed the lowest and the highest error amounts, respectively. The AGM method is also considered as an acceptable method with negligible error in solving different nonlinear equations.