ISSN: 2167-065X

Клиническая фармакология и биофармацевтика

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Anti- and Pro-Inflammatory Effects of Glucocorticoids: One Hormone, Two Actions

Krizan Novale

Glucocorticoids square measure essential steroid hormones secreted from the secretor in response to stress. Since their discovery inside the 40s, glucocorticoids area unit wide prescribed to treat inflammatory disorders and medication cancers. Inside the traditional scan, glucocorticoids square measure thought to be medication molecules; however, rising proof suggests that steroid actions square measure further sophisticated than antecedent anticipated. The medication activity of glucocorticoids is attributed to the repression of pro-inflammatory genes through signal transduction by their steroid receptor, the steroid receptor (GR). The mechanisms modulating the pro-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids are not well understood. Throughout this review, we've a bent to debate recent findings that provide insights into the mechanism by that GR signal can play a twin role inside the regulation of the immunologic response. We’ve a bent to anticipate that these apparently opposite processes square measure in operation on to prepare the system to reply to a agent (pro-inflammatory effects) and later restore equilibrium (anti-inflammatory effects). Finally, we've a bent to propose that crucial the mechanisms that underlie the tissue-specific effects of corticoids offers an excellent tool to develop further economical and selective hormone therapies.