ISSN: 2476-213X

Клинические инфекционные заболевания и практика

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Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance Profiles in Uropathogenic Bacteria: Prevalence, Patterns, and Implications for Therapy

Niveditha Thomas

Antimicrobial multidrug resistance (MDR) in uropathogenic bacteria poses a significant challenge to the successful treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). This article provides an overview of the prevalence, patterns, and implications of MDR profiles in uropathogenic bacteria and discusses their impact on therapy.

A quarter of the bacteria were MDR and the most common MDR profile, including resistance to penicillins, quinolones, and sulfonamides (antibiotics with different mechanisms of action, all mainly recommended by the European Association of Urology for empirical therapy of uncomplicated UTI), was observed, alone or in association with resistance to other antimicrobial classes, in the main bacteria implicated in UTI. The penicillin class was included in all the frequent MDR profiles observed in the ten main bacteria and was the antibiotic with the highest prescription during the study period.

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