ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Potentials of Ambroxol in Ameliorating Vincristine Induced Peripheral Neuropathic Pain in Rats

Bhardwaj HC, Muthuraman A, Hari KSL and Navis S

The present study was designed to investigate the ameliorative potential of Ambroxol, a voltage gated sodium channel 1.8 (VGSC 1.8) inhibitor in Vincristine induced neuropathic pain in rats. Administration with Vincristine (75 μg/mg, intraperitoneal) for 10 consecutive days induces neuropathic pain. Hyperalgesia and allodynic symptoms were assessed with various behavioral models i.e., paw thermal-heat hyperalgesia, tail cold hyperalgesia and paw cold allodynia via hot-plate test, cold-water tail immersion test and acetone drop test at different time intervals of 0,1,7,14, and 21 days. Oxidative stress markers i.e., thio-barbituric acid reactive substances, superoxide anion content and inflammatory mediators like tumor necrosis factor-alpha and myeloperoxidase were biochemically assessed from sciatic nerve tissue and surrounding muscular tissue homogenates respectively. Pharmacological cotreatments with Ambroxol (1000 mg/kg, per oral), Carbamazepine (100 mg/kg, per oral) and combination of Ambroxol with Pregabalin (10 mg/kg, per oral) for 14 days, significantly ameliorate the Vincristine induced neuropathic pain in terms of attenuating paw thermal hyperalgesia, tail-cold hyperalgesia and paw cold allodynia along with decrease in oxidative stress markers and inflammatory mediators. Therefore, on the basis of data in hand from present study, it has been concluded that Ambroxol have neuroprotective potential in ameliorating Vincristine induced neuropathic pain in rats.

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