ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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Assessing the Danger to Human and Environmental Health using Neurodegenerative Markers

Nadiyeh Rouhi

The use of biomarkers in basic and clinical analysis further as in clinical observe has become thus commonplace that their presence as primary endpoints in clinical trials is currently accepted nearly while not question. Within the case of specific biomarkers that are well characterized and repeatedly shown to properly predict relevant clinical outcomes across a range of treatments and populations, this use is entirely even and applicable. In several cases, however, the “validity” of biomarkers is assumed wherever, in fact, it ought to still be evaluated and reevaluated. This text can take into account the present abstract standing of biomarkers as clinical and diagnostic tools and as surrogate endpoints in clinical analysis with the goal of providing context for decoding studies that trust heavily on such biological measures.

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