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Dr. Medha Deepak Bargaje, Dr. Kushal Milind Chidgupkar*, Dr. Anita Anokar, Dr. Ram Deoskar and Dr. Saurabh Singh
Nebulization is one of the important modalities in the management of obstructive airway diseases (OADs). COPD and Asthma are common OADs. Inhalation therapy is the best recommended route for drug delivery in OADs. Nebulization is one of the modes of delivering inhaled medication. Paramedical staff plays important role in administration of nebulization and explaining nebulization technique to the patients and their relatives. Hence proper training of paramedical staff in nebulization technique and device maintenance is essential. The prospective study was conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College Hospital, Pune, and Maharashtra, India. It included training in the form of demonstrations, lecture, videos and hands on training. Staff was assessed with the help of pre and post training questionnaires and technical assessment. Assessment of training and knowledge of paramedical staff is important to achieve good out come and success of treatment in patients with OADs. Such activity should be continuous and ongoing in the form of periodic reassessment and training sessions for sustained improvement in nebulization practices. Training of the staff in clinical practice is crucial.