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BRUCELLOSIS, a worldwide zoonosis: example of Algeria

Nedjma Lounes

Brucellosis, caused by coccobacillus genus, affects wild and sheep inflicting abortion and reduced fertility. This illness is transmitted to human through bodily function of contaminated farm product (raw milk and unpasteurised cheeses), further as by direct contacts (cutaneous/ secretion and aerosol inhalation) with infected animals or biological materials (carcass, abortion product, clinical samples). Brucellosis may be a major worldwide zoonotic disease. Despite wipeout programs, the world burden of human brucellosis remains necessary. the planet Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the infection causes quite five hundred,000 infections annually worldwide. The illness remains endemic in several regions of the planet, with predominance within the Mediterranean Basin, particularly in geographical region. In Algeria, brucellosis is rived since early nineteenth century.

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