ISSN: 2168-9652

Биохимия и физиология: открытый доступ

Открытый доступ

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Chronic Exposure to Sodium Fluoride Triggers Oxidative Biochemistry Misbalance in Mice Effects on Peripheral Blood Circulation

Alexander Suliman

Chronic exposure to sodium fluoride has been a subject of concern due to its potential health effects. This study aimed to investigate the impact of chronic sodium fluoride exposure on oxidative biochemistry and peripheral blood circulation in mice. The mice were exposed to varying concentrations of fluoride over an extended period, replicating levels observed in fluoride-rich areas. The results revealed that chronic fluoride exposure led to an imbalance in oxidative biochemistry, characterized by increased reactive oxygen species levels and compromised antioxidant defense mechanisms. Additionally, the mice exhibited impaired peripheral blood circulation, including endothelial dysfunction, reduced vasodilation capacity, and increased platelet aggregation. These findings highlight the potential risks associated with chronic fluoride exposure, suggesting implications for cardiovascular health and oxidative stress-related diseases.