ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Журнал ортопедической онкологии

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Commentary Regarding the Publication Jaw Cysts - Filling or no Filling after Enucleation? A Review by Ettl T. et al.

Anna Yu. Poghosyan

The paper by Ettl et al. deals with one of the discussed topics in oral and maxillofacial surgery- filling or no filling after enucleation. Authors conclude, that simple cyst enucleation and blood clot healing show low complication rates and sufficient bone regeneration even in large defects. It’s known, that guided bone regeneration is predictable, efficacious method for controlling the reparative ontogenesis and different types of bone grafts are increasingly investigated for defect filling. However, the great importance represents the choice of bone-grafting material for critical size postoperative bone defects filling.

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