ISSN: 2155-952X

Биотехнологии и биоматериалы

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Contribution of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials to the Treatment of Diabetic Patients by Aid of Novel Inventions

Alireza Najigivi* , Shiva Najigivi, and Seyedahmadreza Mirmotallebi

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are highly growing their significance in diabetic supplies and research nowadays. It is an area that included nanomaterials, nanosensors, and nanostructures as well as nanoparticle projects and also their usage in human health research. Particularly, nanotechnology helps to the production of diabetic supplies, materials together with the development of novel glucose and insulin injection devices as well as their measurement sensors by the aid of nanomaterials. These materials mostly could be metal nanoparticles together with carbon nanostructures by nano dimension delivery mechanisms modalities which hold the potential to vividly recover the excellence of life of diabetic patients. Nanoscience and nanotechnology in diabetic research have facilitated and provided more truthful data for identifying diabetes mellitus. It is also worth mentioning that, nanotechnology has enhanced drug delivery likely addition of nanoscale components which normally increases glucose sensor feeling, temporal response, and also can be the main of sensors that ease incessant in glucose nursing. Furthermore, it is proposing novel nanoscale methods named closed-loop insulin delivery approaches which mechanically release insulin drug in reply to fluctuating blood glucose heights. Besides, the mixture of nanotechnology by medication has shaped a novel field of nanomedicine which could enhance human health level. It is worthwhile to mention that some of the applications of nanotechnology for the treatment of diabetic patients can be the production of diabetic supplies by nanotechnology. One of the most important diabetic instruments that could highly relieve the life of patients these days could be nano diabetic shoes which will describe here. In this research, applications of nanoscience and nanotechnology in treating diabetic patients were discussed.

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