ISSN: 2376-127X

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Correlation of LDL Cholesterol with Maternal and Cord Blood Heme Oxygenase 1 in Preeclampsia

Kharb S, Tiwari R and Nanda S

Objective Emerging evidence supports an important role for the heme oxygenase system (HO-1) in the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy, especially during pathological challenge. HO-1 is widely accepted to be a highly sensitive and reliable marker of oxidative stress. Hence the present study was planned to analyse heme oxygenase-1 and lipid profile in maternal and cord blood venous samples of normal pregnant and preeclamptic women. Methods Fifty pregnant women were selected and grouped as group 1 (control) comprising of twenty five normotensive women immediately after delivery; group 2 (study group) comprising of age-and sex-matched twenty five preeclamptic women. Study samples were drawn (maternal venous blood and umbilical cord blood) and heme oxygenase-1 was analyzed by competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and lipid profile was analyzed enzymatically. Results Cord blood hemeoxygenase-1 levels in preeclamptic women were significantly higher than those of normotensive women (p<0.001). There was significant rise in serum heme oxygenase 1 levels in preeclamptic women as compared to normotensive pregnant women (p<0.001). LDL levels were positively correlated with HO 1 in preeclamptic women (r=0.236, p>0.05) and negatively correlated in normotensive women (r=-0.111, p>0.05), indicating the induction of HO 1 by LDL. Conclusion The findings of high serum heme oxygenase-1 levels in maternal and cord blood in preeclampsia supports the role of oxidative stress and excessive inflammatory response in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

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