ISSN: 2476-213X

Клинические инфекционные заболевания и практика

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COVID-19 : An Overview of Diagnostic Approach and Novel Directions for Treatment Strategies

Akansha Singh, Ankit Kumar Dubey, Ashok K Singh

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) turned out to be one of the biggest biological disasters in the era of the 21st
century in relevance to the threat faced worldwide. The pace of the spread of the pathogen is at an alarming rate
and leading to the pandemic situation throughout the globe. In order to start any treatment procedure, a clear
diagnosis for the identification and isolation of the disease is the utmost. Early detection and diagnosis of the
pathogen are necessary for the further reduction in the outgrowth of cases among the populace. However, there are
substantial advancements taking place in the technological aspects of the novel assays and the development of
diagnostic applications. The clinical diagnosis meant to be the first diagnostic procedure wherein the suspect
examined for the clinical manifestation such as cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, etc. and CT scan. Novel
laboratory assays like real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (rRT-PCR) are fast, reliable, and sensitive tests for the
detection. In cases, where there is a negative correlation with respect to the nucleic acid detection methods for the
diagnosis, but the epidemiological link of the infection is effective, the tool of immunodiagnostics and serology plays
a crucial role in making use of the antibodies, and viral antigens for the detection. Another approach in the
identification and diagnosis of the SARS-CoV2 is the preliminary examination of the pathogen following the classical
Koch’s postulates and further analysis using the electron microscopy. Sequencing of the entire genome of viruses
may also inform studies of the molecular epidemiology of the virus. The last part of the review article incompasses
novel directions for treatment strategies.

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