ISSN: 2329-8863

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Current Status of Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes (TILLING) and its Relevance to Plant Functional Genomics, Polymorphism Assessment and Plant Breeding with Relevant Case Studies on Different Crops

Obssi Dessalegn

One of the most important breakthroughs in the history of genetics was the discovery that mutations can be induced. TILLING (Targeting induced local lesions in genomes) a newly developed general reverse genetic strategy helps to locate an allelic series of induced point mutations in genes of interest. It was first explored and introduced 17 years ago in the early 2000’s by the efforts of Claire McCallum and her collaborators. TILLING allows the rapid and inexpensive detection of induced point mutations in populations of physically/chemically mutagenized individuals. EcoTILLING is an extension of TILLING, which uncover natural alleles at a locus contrary to induced mutations. In This review the over view of history, techniques, of TILLING and EcoTILLING and their application in functional genomics, DNA polymorphism assessment and crop breeding with relevant case study in different crops illustrated. Furthermore, this review describes the potentials, challenges and future prospects of TILLING.

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