ISSN: 2278-0238

Международный журнал исследований и разработок в области фармации и наук о жизни

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Anisha Agrawal, Sunisha Kulkarni

Dendrimers are a novel class of synthetic macromolecules having highly branched, three dimensional, nanoscale structures with very low polydispersity and high functionality. The structure of these materials has a great impact on their physical and chemical properties. These unique features have made their
application in nanotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical chemistry particularly attractive. As a result of their unique behavior, dendrimers are suitable for a wide range of biomedical and industrial applications. These carriers have well defined size, shape, molecular weight and monodispersity, which make the dendrimers a suitable carrier in drug delivery application. Dendrimers are unimolecular micelle in nature and due to this enhances the solubility of poorly soluble drugs. These polymers have also successfully proved themselves as useful additives in different routes of drug administration because they can render drugs of greater water solubility, bioavailability and biocompatibility. Dendrimers possess empty internal cavities and open conformations, which make it possible to encapsulate hydrophobic drug molecules. In addition, they have a much higher surface functional group density when compared with conventional macromolecules. This review article focuses on the various aspects of dendrimers including structure, properties, types of dendrimers, preparation methods and their applications in pharmaceutical as well as non-pharmaceutical field.