ISSN: 2376-127X

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Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice among Mothers of Children Under Two Years Old In Dilla Zuria District, Gedeo Zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia, 2014

Surender Reddy and Teshome Abuka

Background: Exclusive breast feeding (EBF) has been defined by world health organization (WHO) as the situation where ‘the infant has received only breast milk from his/her mother or a wet nurse until six months old’. The low prevalence of exclusive breast feeding (EBF) in most developing countries is attributed to various maternal and child factors. Identifying factors associated with low exclusive breastfeeding practices in different contexts is important to take appropriate measures to avoid or reduce determinant factors and assumed to facilitate better advocacy and wider coverage in the Country. Objective: To assess the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding practices among mothers of children under two years old in Dilla zuria district, Gedeo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2014. Methods: Cross-sectional community based study was conducted from June to August 2014 at two randomly selected wards in Dilla zuria district, Gedeo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Quantitative data was gathered from 347 mothers and supplemented by qualitative data from 8 key informants. Binary logistic regression analysis was made to obtain odds ratio and the confidence interval of statistical associations. Result: 57.6 % of respondents practiced exclusive breasted feeding for 6 months. Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding were antenatal care utilization, maternal age, parity and family size. Antenatal care utilization was positively associated with exclusive breast feeding whereas maternal age, parity and family size were inversely associated with exclusive breast feeding. Conclusion: Exclusive breast feeding practice was not satisfactory. Antenatal counseling for breastfeeding was associated with better exclusive breastfeeding practice. Therefore, we suggest strengthening the nutrition counseling during antenatal visit. Birth order and family size were inversely associated with EBF practices. Large family size and high parity are factors that reduce duration of exclusive breast feeding practice. There should be strong work to enable family to maintain appropriate space between consecutive births and limit family size.

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