ISSN: 2155-9910

Морские науки: исследования и разработки

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  • Библиотека электронных журналов
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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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  • ЭБСКО, Аризона
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Diversity of Phytoplankton in Different Stations from Muthupettai, South East Coast of India

Babu A, Varadharajan D, Vengadesh Perumal N, Thilagavathi B, Manikandarajan T, Sampathkumar P and Balasubramanian T

The distributions of phytoplankton and its community structure in relation to physico-chemical parameters in aquaculture discharge waters and adjacent waters of Muthupettai lagoon were studied. Physico-chemical parameters and nutrients concentration were fluctuated depends on the seasonal chances, whereas the total of 101 phytoplankton species were recorded, Among them, 76 species of diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), 17 species of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), 5 species of blue greens (Cyanophyceae), 2 species of green algae (Chlorophyceae) and 1 species of silicoflagellates (Chrysophyceae) were recorded, where, Nitzschia seriata, Coscinodiscus centralis, Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii, and Ceratium furca were the most abundant in phytoplankton community. The percentage composition were recorded as Diatom>Dinoflagellates>Blue greens>Greens>Silicoflagellate respectively. The study revealed that there are no effects due to the aquaculture discharge waters for the mangrove ecosystem. This study also revealed seasonal environmental variables and phytoplankton distributions in Muthupettai lagoon.