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Dhas SA, Selvaraj T, Citarasu T, Punitha SMJ, Gopal P and Michael MB
The study was conducted to document the biochemical changes in the different body parts of Etroplus suratensis when feeding them with herbal maturation diets. Three different herbal maturation diets, such as Mucuna pruriens: Withania somnifera:Moringa oleifera (MP:WS:MO) in 1:1:1 ratio (Experimental Diet-1 - EXD1), MP:WS:MO in 2:1:2 ratio (Experimental Diet-2 - EXD2), MP:WS:MO in 1:2:1 ratio (Experimental Diet-3 - EXD3) and a control diet(without herbal extracts) were prepared by mixing the said proportions of the herbal extract with other feed ingredients and fed to the adult female animals. The effects of herbal maturation diet on biochemical parameters such as level of triglyceride, total protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate in blood, liver, gonad and body tissue were analyzed in the experimental fish. The results showed that the level of triglyceride, total protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate were significantly increased in EXD3 herbal maturation diets fed fishes than the other experimental and control diet fed animals. The results proved that the administration of the herbal maturation diet EXD3 enhanced the level of the triglyceride, total protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate which can in turn leads to quick maturation and reproductive success in E. suratensis.