ISSN: 2332-2608

Рыболовство и животноводство

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Effects of Intermittent Feeding and Exercise Training on the Carbohydrate Utilization of Oreochromis niloticus

Lingyun LI, Qingting Z, Qian TU, Yonghui YU and Xiaotao L*

The effects of exercise training and intermittent feeding on the capacity of carbohydrate utilization in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an omnivorous fish, were examined under laboratory conditions, with the aim to increase the content of carbohydrate in the feed. The experimental fish were fed with a diet of 45% carbohydrate level for 48 days. Two feeding modes, namely continuous feeding group A and intermittent feeding group B (1 day starvation, 5 day feeding) were set up. Two exercise intensity groups (0 BL/s and 1.5 BL/s) were set up for each feeding mode. After feeding for 48 days, the results showed that exercise training could effectively reduce the negative effects on growth, body nutrition and liver health caused by high sugar diet. Cyclical deprivation and re-feeding regimes stimulated overcompensatory growth effects of O. niloticus fed by carbohydrate-rich diets. The combination of intermittent feeding and exercise training can further improve the utilization rate of carbohydrates in O. niloticus, reduce the accumulation of excessive glycogen and fat in fish, and alleviate the lipidty liver symptoms caused by high carbohydrate diets.

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