ISSN: 2332-2608

Рыболовство и животноводство

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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • Университет Хамдарда
  • ЭБСКО, Аризона
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  • научный руководитель
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Egg Quality Characteristics of Indigenous, Exotic and their Crosses Chicken in Ethiopia: Review

Shegaw Ambel Ayalew

The aim of this review was to show the possibilities of using local and exotic breed chicken for production of egg for its specific quality features in the light of all-inclusive researches. The goal of this analysis was the quality of egg from exotic and local chicken raised in different production management system. The result of the studies on the quality egg from chicken (exotic and local) obtained from different management have shown that there are significant difference both the internal and external egg quality characteristics. Under village condition, local and exotic chickens have higher Hugh unit and deep yellow color. The egg qualities of chickens depend on their genotype, age of hen, quality and quantity of feed and storage condition of egg, embryonic development of the egg and production system. Therefore, the present review study suggests that exotic chicken like that of local chicken have ability to produce good egg quality which is directly favors the economic preference of consumers under extensive feedingbased production system. Similarly, internal and external egg quality variations have been observed between the indigenous and improved chicken populations; hence, a profoundly egg chemical composition evaluation is needed to show the level of egg composition differentiation and similarity between them.

Отказ от ответственности: Этот реферат был переведен с помощью инструментов искусственного интеллекта и еще не прошел проверку или верификацию.