ISSN: 2329-8863

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Estimation of Components of Genetic Variation and Graphical Analysis in Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)

Shama Shukla, Lal RK, Singh VR and Karuna Shanker

Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important medicinal plant known for its high valuable alkaloids and poppy seed. The genetics and inheritance pattern of some important characters, like days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to maturity, number of capsule per plant, capsule index, capsule husk yield, seed yield per plant, morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine and narcotine content were measured by diallel analysis of first generation progenies from seven parents. There is almost all character for which additive component of genetic variance was significant except number of capsule and codeine content. On the other hand, the dominance component of genetic variance was found significant for all the characters except thebaine and codeine content. Narrow sense heritability was high for plant height, papaverine content and days to maturity. While the degree of genetic advance was high only for capsule index and days to maturity. The validity of hypothesis of additive-dominance model was tested by confirming unit slope of regressions of Wr and Vr and by non-significant value of t2. We concludes that isolation of superior genotypes by sib selection and recurrent selection, and exploitation of hybrid vigor in specific parental-cross combinations are good strategies for poppy crop improvement.

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