ISSN: ISSN 2472-0518

Исследования нефти и газа

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Evaluating Natural Gas Emissions from Pneumatic Controllers from Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities

Hongfang Lu

An optic gas imaging (OGI) and full inflow sample (FFS) emigrations dimension study of curvaceous regulators (PCs) was conducted at 15 oil painting and natural gas product spots in West Virginia. The ideal of the study was to identify and characterize PC systems with inordinate emigrations caused by conservation issues or non-optimized process conditions. Overall, this study set up that the LE- IPCs with OGI- vindicated low unrestricted bleed rates may emit well below the IPC EF while GPU liquid position IPC systems are probably well represented by the current IPC EF. IPCs that are passing a conservation or process issue or that are operating at spots with a veritably high product outturn per IPC employed can emit at rates exceeding ten times IPC EF.

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