ISSN: 2329-8863

Достижения в области растениеводства и технологий

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Evaluation of Sholla 45% OD Herbicide against Grasses and Broad - Leaf Weeds on Barley

Zerhun Tomas, Alamar Seid

The annual average national yield of the barley crop is only 1200 kg/ha. The low national average yield, which is far below the world average, could be partially attributed to poor weed management, which results in high competition from weeds. Yield gains from weed control, on the other hand, ranges from 14-60 percent depending on the location and type of weed. Field experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the Sholla 45% OD Herbicide (Penoxusulum 30g/lit + Iodosulfuron- Methyl sodium 15g/lit) against grasses and broad - leaf weeds on Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). It’s carried out at three locations, Zala Shasha, Dalibo Wogane and Kokate, on farmers’ field in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications during 2022 cropping season. The experiment result showed that, herbicide treated plots were showed significant difference compared to the control treatments in all variables. Evidence obtained from the verification trial showed that Sholla 45% OD at the rate of 0.5 lit/ha with 200 liter water acted significantly at 5% probability level in managing grass and broad leaf weeds in barely crop and consequently increased grain yield of barley as compared to the standard check (Hussar OD) and unsprayed checks in tested locations. In nut shell, it is concluded that Sholla 45% OD at the rate of 0.5 lit/ha per hectare with 200 liter water was highly effective in controlling grass and broad leaf weeds infestation on barley fields in all experimental locations as compared to the standard check (Hussar OD). However, it needs further investigation for the interval and frequency.

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