ISSN: 2573-4555

Традиционная медицина и клиническая натуропатия

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  • ЭБСКО, Аризона
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Evaluation of the Consuming Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe) Elements as the Immune System Boosters in MCF-7 Cell Culture Media Treated by Pomegranate Parenchyma and Turmeric Extracts

Amir Hossein Hajipour, Mohammad Movafaghizadeh, Hossein Ali Shamsaei, Hooman Yazdanpour, Sepideh Arefi, Majid Yavarian

Essential minerals and trace elements have well-characterized physiological functions within the body and must be supplied by the diet.

The aim of this study is an analytical model for consuming the trace elements (Zn and Fe) in MCF-7 cell culture media in three different times and comparing.

This study was undertaken in two parts: First, the cell cultures of MCF-7 and MTT, aiming at determining cell viability, were reported. Second, the elements of Zinc and Iron by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. All the data were analysed by SPSS version 23, ANOVA test. Results are expressed as the mean ± SEM.

In cell viability test the highest rate of decrease was observed in group C; Further, increase highest rate were in groups A in two timeframes. In Zinc samples, the only increase had been observed in group A and decrease highest rate was shown in group A. In Iron samples, decrease highest rate was shown in group E. Further, the highest rate of increase was observed in group A.

For conclusion of all the tests, in control groups, we had cell growth and the amount of Iron increasing and Zinc decreasing. But for the other tests, in terms of non-combinations all the tests are descending (Except viability for group B). The dominant effective material of turmeric is Curcumin have phenolic ring with high affinity. So, it may need a catalyser for best effect. So, more study with combination with other dosages to matching the herbals are suggested.