ISSN: 2155-952X

Биотехнологии и биоматериалы

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Giant T-patterned purely informational strings and self-similarity from the RNA world to human mass-societies

Magnus S Magnusson

Biotechnology is providing unique possibilities for understanding human behavior urgently needed due to explosive population growth and
pollution in the biologically extremely recent human mass-societies only paralleled among animals in insects. Can bio-mathematical models be
found to explain such a human revolution occurring in a biological eye-blink?
The biology of behavior, Ethology, received its first Nobel prize in 1973 (in Medicine or physiology) shared between N. Tinbergen, K. Lorenz
and K. von Frisch and in 1975 E.O. Wilson’s Sociobiology pointed to social insect societies as biological models for human mass-societies. But
none of the studied organisms were components of any others, so Lorenz’s Nobel lecture, “Analogy as a source of knowledge”, had no mention
of self-similarity/analogy.
This bio-mathematical project started in the 70’s focusing on the creation of mathematical patterns, the T-system, including T-patterns and
T-patterned strings, called T-strings, with detection algorithms and software, THEME (PatternVision Ltd), widely used for their detection in humans,
animals and neuronal brain networks, and finally drawing attention to similar patterning in DNA and proteins and thus deeper self-similarity. A
model thus appeared in cells as mass-societies of highly specialized proteins shaped and controlled by giant purely informational T-strings (DNA)
only paralleled in the recent mass-societies of humans also shaped and controlled by purely informational giant T-strings (texts), where among
others, words are highly significant T-patterns and the same is true for most (all) known patterns in proteins. Parallel T-system analyses of texts
and proteins are in progress. Giant T-string self-similarity has happened between mass-societies of Nano scale actors (proteins) and humans
forming a bio-mathematical continuum from cells to human culture.. Two analogous revolutions (based on DNA vs. text) nine orders of magnitude
apart in size and years enabling the only large-brained mass-social species to cumulate in T-strings unique understanding of itself and the world.

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