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Hammer toes are a prevalent foot deformity that affects a significant portion of the population. This comprehensive review aims to provide an overview of the causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for hammer toes. The condition is characterized by an abnormal bending of one or more toes, resulting in a hammer-like appearance. The underlying causes of hammer toes include structural abnormalities, such as imbalances in muscle or tendon function, as well as factors like footwear choices and genetic predisposition. Diagnosing hammer toes involves a thorough clinical examination, which may include assessing toe flexibility, joint mobility, and any associated symptoms. Imaging modalities such as X-rays or ultrasound may be utilized to evaluate the severity of the deformity and assess any accompanying conditions. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent the progression of hammer toes and alleviate symptoms.Treatment strategies for hammer toes vary depending on the severity and individual patient characteristics. Non-surgical interventions, including footwear modifications, orthotic devices, exercises, and physical therapy, aim to reduce pain, correct imbalances, and improve toe alignment. In more severe cases or when conservative measures fail, surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options encompass various procedures, such as tendon releases, joint fusions, or corrective osteotomies, tailored to address the specific deformity and restore normal toe function.The management of hammer toes requires a multidisciplinary approach involving podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, and physical therapists. Patient education regarding appropriate footwear choices and preventive measures is essential in reducing the risk of recurrence. Long-term follow-up is crucial to monitor the outcomes of treatment and address any potential complications.