ISSN: 2161-0681

Журнал клинической и экспериментальной патологии

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Indication Criteria of Imaging Exams for Diagnosing of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Luciano Ambrosio Ferreira, Felipe Lara Francischetti, Antônio Márcio Lima de Ferraz Júnior, Marcos Vinicius Queiroz de Paula, Eduardo Januzzi and Antônio Carlos Pires Carvalho

The various subtypes of temporomandibular disorders and different imaging exams available for diagnosis and indication influence the choice of the most appropriate examination front of clinical symptoms of the patient. This review aims to provide an indication of imaging tests for the diagnosis of pathological changes of the temporomandibular joint, discussing its accuracy and criteria for the prescription. The indication is considered appropriate when based on safety and clinical relevance of the examination requested. This sets the correct diagnosis and influences on the most appropriate treatment plan. We proposed that each of the imaging tests has its own sensitivity and specificity to subtypes and different manifestations of temporomandibular joint disorders.

Отказ от ответственности: Этот реферат был переведен с помощью инструментов искусственного интеллекта и еще не прошел проверку или верификацию.