ISSN: 2332-0702

Журнал гигиены полости рта и здоровья

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Innovative Dental Implant Technologies

Heather Anderson*

A frequent remedy for tooth loss is dental implants. This study provides an overview of the state-of-the-art regarding implant surfaces, instantaneous versus conventional loading, short implants, sinus lifts, and three-dimensional printed custom implants. The majority of implant surface alterations had successful Osseo integration outcomes. Positive outcomes were seen in animal trials involving the recently created and analysed bimolecular coatings. Because immediate loading has the benefit of shortening treatment periods and delivering function and aesthetics sooner than conventional loading, it can be employed as a successful treatment. Comparing short implants to conventional implants, similar clinical results were obtained. It is possible to use a range of sinus augmentation methods, grafting materials, and alternative methods such tilted implants, zygotic implants, and short implants. Customized implants can be utilised as an alternative to conventional implant designs thanks to the development of new technologies in three dimensions and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM). However, there are restrictions because there aren’t any clinical or long-term trials. A more predictive analysis and a lengthy clinical trial are required.