ISSN: 2332-0702

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Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment in Children's Dentistry

Fredrick Morgan

The goal of interceptive orthodontic therapy is to lessen or completely eliminate the need for treatment in the permanent teeth. Similar to complete treatment with full fixed equipment, the main benefit of such a therapy may be that it is technically straightforward and reasonably affordable. The early losses of primary molars and non-nutritive sucking behaviors have negative impacts on occlusal and dental health, necessitating preventive actions. In general, this would mean fewer extractions, at this point. Treatment with interceptive orthodontics can begin as early as age 6 to 10. Additionally, interceptive therapy itself need not require braces; rather, it can make use of a variety of different methods, such as detachable appliances (plates), specialized equipment, and Behavioral/habitual adjustment. Comprehensive orthodontics (phase 2) may not or may only be required in part in the future.