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Iodine-123 Ioflupane Scintigraphy for the Diagnosis of Lewy Body Disease Presenting as a Posterior Cortical Atrophy

Kurt Segers, Florence Benoît, Martine Duez, Jean-Marie Meyts, Anne Sophie Hambye and Murielle Surquin

We report the case of a 80-year old man who was admitted for loss of autonomy due to repeated falls and cognitive decline. The only symptom reported by the patient was difficulties with judging distances. Neurological examination revealed a transient extrapyramidal syndrome due to treatment with risperidone for visual hallucinations, but more importantly, a marked impairment of higher visual functions. Computerized tomography showed bilateral occipital lobe atrophy. Since Lewy body disease is a rare cause of Posterior Cortical Atrophy and given the visual hallucinations, we performed a 123-I-ioflupane brain scintigraphy which confirmed the diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first application of ioflupane-single photon emission computerized tomography in the diagnostic workup of a patient with Benson’s syndrome.