ISSN: 2155-6105

Журнал исследований и терапии зависимостей

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  • Женевский фонд медицинского образования и исследований
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Marijuana-Is It a Medicine?

Thersilla Oberbarnscheidt and Norman S Miller

This review is based on literature search to determine the risks and benefits of marijuana as a medical agent and the role for marijuana in mainstream medicine. “Marijuana" is the natural form of cannabis derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and refers specifically to the dried leaves and flowering tops or "herbal cannabis”. Other terms for marijuana are cannabis or hemp. Current clinical studies do not focus on the natural form of marijuana, but evaluate synthetical forms of THC instead. Marijuana is a schedule I substance by federal law with high potential of addiction and no medical benefit which limits research studies and forbids clinical use. However, the synthetically form THC cannot be compared with the natural form of marijuana and vice versa. Unlike most medications on the market, marijuana does not have only one or two active agents. Natural forms of marijuana are derived from the plant, Cannabis sativa, and consist of over 400 compounds including flavonoids and terpenoids and more than 60 cannabinoids other than delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Many of these compounds are not understood and their effects and adverse effects unknown.

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