ISSN: 2376-127X

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Maternal Factors Affecting Serum Leptin Levels in Preeclampsia and Normotensive Pregnant Women and Outcome of Pregnancy

Kharb S, Panjeta P, Ghalaut VS, Bala J and Nanda S

Leptin has been measured in the fetal circulation and plasma leptin may also originate from a range of other fetal and placental tissues. The present study was designed to analyze leptin levels in women with preeclampsia and to assess its relationship with renal functions, gestational age and outcome of pregnancy. Twenty five normotensive pregnant women and 25 age and gestation matched preeclamptic women. Routine investigations and serum leptin levels were analyzed in maternal blood by ELISA kit. Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in preeclamptics as compared to normotensive pregnant women and the leptin levels increased with rise in proteinuria in preeclamptic women. Systolic blood pressure in preeclamptic group showed a significant positive correlation with serum leptin. Placental weight, baby weight and Apgar score (at 1 min and 5 min) had a negative correlation with leptin levels in preeclamptic women. Serum leptin levels were negatively correlated with serum uric acid levels in normotensive pregnant women which was reversed in preeclamptics. Serum leptin levels were positively correlated with urea levels in preeclamptic women. Leptin expression in the fetus is altered by different intrauterine conditions, and these responses vary according to the nature of the stressor. Findings of present study suggest that leptin is associated with rise in blood pressure and adverse pregnancy outcome in preeclampsia. Mechanisms responsible for this increase and role played by leptin in the development of preeclampsia require further study.

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