Психиатр : Клинический и терапевтический журнал

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700 журналов и 15 000 000 читателей Каждый журнал получает более 25 000 читателей


Mental Wellbeing and Burnout in Core Surgical Trainees ? Implications for the Post-COVID19 Era.

Sarah Farrell,Murtaza Kadhum

Surgeons have been reported to have high levels of mild psychiatric illness, poor mental wellbeing and burnout. Research in early surgical trainees remains in its early phases. We investigated mental wellbeing and burnout rates using validated instruments as part of an online survey in Core Surgical Trainees throughout London. High burnout rates (83%) and psychiatric cases (81.5%) were identified. Due to the increased pressures of the current global pandemic, including fears over health or clinical progression, recognition of these issues facing surgeons is vital. Both local and national support should be offered to surgeons during the acute phase, anurther research is required to guide future interventions.