ISSN: 2278-0238

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Microthiol Disperss as Alternative Fungicide for Control of Powdery Mildew (Leveillula taurica) Disease on Tomato at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia

Ashagre Asnakew Zewde, Gizachew Atinafu

Tomato powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) is a common disease of tomato crops in Ethiopia. To control the disease, application of fungicide Microthiol Disperss (Sulphur 80%) was tested under natural field condition at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center and the standard check Thiovet Jet 80 WP (Sulfur) on Galiea tomato variety to assess the efficacy. The rate was 2-4 kg/ha diluted with 400L of water/ha of land. Result of experiment showed that Microthiol Disperss (Sulphur 80%) effective Powdery Mildew tomato to get good fruit quantity and qualities with no significant difference Thiovet Jet 80 WP under natural field condition. Microthiol Disperss (Sulphur 80%) has gave 16.65 t/ha of yield at a rate of 2-4 kg/ha provided comparable yield as Thiovet Jet 80 WP (Sulfur) of 12.41 t/ha with no significance difference. Therefore, Microthiol Disperss at a rate of 2-4 kg/ha is diluted with 400 L/ha of water is recommended to be used as alternative fungicide for prevention and control of Powdery Mildew integrated with other environmentally safe powdery mildew management practices on tomato cultivated depending on disease pressure, agro-ecology and susceptible variety. And also used to as preventive fungicide for powdery mildew on tomato in early occurrence of the disease.

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