ISSN: 2375-4494

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Mindful Parents and Adolescent Sexual Communication and Outcomes

Chelom E Leavitt, Amber A Price, Alyssa L Brown, Jenna M Lawlor, J B Eyring, David B Allsop

Mindfulness is the process of intentionally bringing attention to the present moment with a perspective that is curious, non-judgemental, and open to new experiences. Sexual mindfulness is practicing this openness and non-judgement in a sexual situation. Because parents’ mindfulness may improve child’s well-being, we considered whether parents’ trait and sexual mindfulness may be associated with their child’s outcomes such as sexual shame, sexual anxiety, self-regulation, anxiety, bodyesteem, and disclosure to parents about sexuality. In a sample of 620 families (moms and/or dads and their adolescent child), we used structural equation modeling to examine associations between parents’ trait and sexual mindfulness and various child outcomes associated with adolescent's perceptions of quality of sexual communication, sexual understanding, and overall well-being. Results showed that both moms’ and dads’ trait and sexual mindfulness were positively linked to various adolescent outcomes. The interpersonal environment that parents created through their practice of slowing down, being more present, and being less judgemental appears to be connected to how adolescents feel about their body, their sexuality, and how parents communicated with their adolescent, particularly on topics of sex.

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