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Maria Calia Araajo
Objective to verify the effectiveness of nursing interventions based on the Imogene King's Theory of thing Attainment, on improving care for people with diabetes and adherence to treatment.
Method: Quasi-experimental, longitudinal, randomized, simple study in a Primary Health Care Unit, in the megacity of Fortaleza, Ceará state, Brazil. The sample comported of 60 people with diabetes, divided into intervention and control groups, whose collection passed from February to August 2013.
Results: In the intervention group, a significant adherence of the cases to the pretensions defined in the study was found. In the control, there was enhancement in some aspects of the treatment.
Conclusion: With these results, it was possible to conclude the feasibility of using proposition of thing Attainment in the positive aspects for adherence to diabetes treatment and enhancement of quality of life.