ISSN: 2576-1463

Инновационная энергетика и исследования

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On Determination of the Optimum Tilt of Solar Installations

Rasul Yuldashevich Akbarov

The work deals with the method of determining the optimum tilt of a solar station in the absence or insufficiency of solar radiation meteorological data. The criterion of optimum tilt is maximum energy capture by solar energy station in a certain period of the year. The time change of solar radiation is determined by empirical formulas. The whole chain of working formulas is presented. Calculations were made for the territory of the Parkent region (Uzbekistan) and the southern orientation of the solar station. The optimum tilt angels of SI for this region are determined. It is shown that when the angle of inclination of the SI changes by ± 10 degrees from the optimum position, its day insolation changes no more than 3%. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of SI with a tracking system and without it was performed. In this case effectiveness increase of SI is 15%-35% (wintersummer).