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Astrid Marie L. Alzona
Schwannomas of the paratesticular region are rare. Various types of schwannomas have been reported. However, the plexiform type of schwannoma (PS) is extremely rare comprising of 4.3% of schwanommas. Although this type of schwannoma is benign and does not possess malignant potential, it is important to diagnose such for the management of the patient. This is a case of a 55-year old male presenting with a 20-year indolent course of an enlarging scrotal mass with no other associated symptoms until 2 years prior to admission where the patient complained of intermittent pain in the scrotal region. Ultrasound and plain abdominal CT scan showed complex scrotal mass with normal testes and epididymis. Initial impression was a fibrous pseudotumor, rule out paratesticular sarcoma. Patient underwent right radical orchiectomy. The histologic features were suggestive of paratesticular plexiform neurilemoma (plexiform schwannoma) with no abnormality in the testis.