ISSN: E-2314-7326

Нейроинфекционные заболевания

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Parkinson's syndrome (PD) Patients Quality of Life was found to be Significantly Impacted by the Presence of Non-Motor Symptoms

Luc Pellerin

Parkinson’s syndrome (PD) patients’ quality of life was found to be significantly impacted by the presence of non-motor symptoms. This group of symptoms included depression and anxiety, both of which are frequently present. According to recent research, the incidence of hysterical disorders in palladium ranges from 12.8% to 43.0%; consequently, the average ranking in a highly systematic review was number thirty, which oddly is higher than the prevalence for depression (17%). According to statistics, almost 40% of palladium patients have two or more comorbidities related to anxiety disorders, which may be aggravating the patient’s situation. The literature on anxiety disorders in individuals with palladium or in animals with palladium is still lacking, despite the fact that there are a growing number of research devoted to the nonmotor symptomatology of palladium.

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