ISSN: 2329-8863

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Performance Evaluation and Estimates of Genetic Components for Yield and Yield Related Traits of Early Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Varieties at Tepi, Ethiopia

Tefera Abebe*

The field experiment was conducted at Tepi Agricultural Research Center at experimental station during 2012/13 cropping season. The purpose of this study was to evaluate soybean genotypes for yield as well as other parameters at Tepi, South Western. The field experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications over a one-year period in four rows per plot, with 4m long and a spacing of 40cm between rows and 5 cm between plants. Nova, wello, awassa-95, crowford, and Ags-7-1 were the varieties tested. Plant height, days to flowering, days to maturity, number of branches per plant, hundred seed weight, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and grain yield were among the agronomic characteristics collected. The results showed significant differences at (P<0.05) among the varieties for some parameters that were evaluated. Wello variety had the highest days to flowering (47.67days), days to maturity (108.66 days), pods per plant (41.67) and plant height (93.9cm), respectively. Furthermore, this variety outperformed Ags-7-1 in terms of dry weight of seeds per hectare (31.37qt/ha) and dry weight of grain seeds per hectare (28.33qt/ha). As a result, we advised that the two varieties with better yields be grown in the South West area, particularly at Tepi. Moreover, for all examined traits, the phenotypic coefficient of variation is greater than the genotypic coefficient of variation, indicating that the environment has an impact on each trait. Plant height, hundred seed weight, days to maturity, and number of pods per plant had the highest heritability, demonstrating a large component of heritable variance. Furthermore, genotypic path coefficients analysis results showed that days to flowering (1.745) and days to maturity (1.828) had high positive direct effect on grain yield Inconclusion, so far, no soybean variety has been released or recommended for South West Ethiopia, particularly for Tepi area. As a result, if the above-mentioned varieties are demonstrated and disseminated among small-scale farmers, it will improve the poor farmer's food security and livelihood income.

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