ISSN: 2332-0877

Журнал инфекционных заболеваний и терапии

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Prevalence of Tuberculosis after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Late Stage Follow-Up in the Coastal Region of Northern Miyagi

Masahiro Sakurai, Tatsuya Takahashi, Miyako Ohuchi, Yuki Terui, Akira Suzuki, Takao Saijyoh and Kazuo Shikano

Compared to the early stage (2011-2012) after the Great East Japan Earthquake, no significant changes were seen in the total number of case of tuberculosis (TB), and pulmonary TB cases in the mid-term stage (2013-2014). However, the number of patients with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) decreased significantly in the coastal region of Northern Miyagi, which was ravaged by a post-quake tsunami. We analyzed the data of all TB patients in this region in the early (2011- 2012) and the late (2015- 2016) stages following the Great East Japan Earthquake and compared it with the pre-disaster data. The number of cases of total TB, extra pulmonary TB and LTBI significantly in comparison to the initial stage after the disaster decreased, but there was a significantly higher prevalence of TB and the LTBI compared to pre-disaster. These results suggest that continued health activities and an improved transportation system reduced the prevalence of total TB after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Thus, these health activities should be maintained.

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